
          可能大多数人看到这些照片之后,第一反应就是美国太开放,下一句评论就是我也变开放了。的确,如若只用图片纪实说话,什么都不用说,什么都不给你解释,它们只表现了偌大国家的两大重要特性 - 民主与开放。话要是说回来,虽然此次活动是肉堆出来的,但要是把这深层次的意义分解开来,扒开肉体看躯干本质,你一定会恍然大悟。
               Yeah! These pictures certainly gave my Chinese audiences enough impressions -- America is a very open country! Also, Americans certainly are not shy! Yup!  One picture is worth a thousand words, but you are not always seeing the full meaning of this picture; however, after you understand the main purpose for this event, you will be surprised and totally change your mind from your original thoughts on Americans my dear Chinese readers. 

           “他们倡导环保,绿色出行。人们需要接受自己的身体,回归自然,让自己美丽的身体自由呼吸。无汽油污染,骑骑更健康。” 有人为了环保,故意创造气氛鼓励大家多骑车代替电动车尾气污染环境;有人因2010年墨西哥湾漏油事故而抵制英国石油(British Petroleum)再次裸骑敲起警钟;有人认为每天骑车代替开车更省开销,还在不知不觉中强健身体;有人觉得有好的身材就要亮出来;也有人只是纯粹抱着好玩的心态来凑热闹完成整项行程。 

     世界裸体自行车游行组织活动(World Naked Bike Ride),被参与者们简称为WNBR,是一个全球性可穿可不穿(Clothing Optional)的骑车组织活动,始于2004年。每年各地组织者和参与者都会汇聚在一起商议和规划活动。通常下,参与者们利用人力交通工具(主要是自行车,也可以使用滑板和溜冰鞋)完成整项骑车活动,以号召人们“远离污染,拒绝对石油的依赖,并赞颂我们人力的伟大与人性美”。迄今为止,世界裸体骑车活动共在17个国家、74座城市里举行。  
   “胆有多大,就露多少。” 跟恶俗炒作相比起来,这样富有意义的“公众洒脱”不是更值得让人关注一些吗?如果有些人纯粹为了出名而耍裸露的手段,那些已经不足为奇了;相反的,如背后深藏一个让人心服口服的理由,吸引的不光是环保支持者,更是无数的新时代改革者。

                The annual World Naked Bike Ride has been happening yearly since 2003. Their slogan is: "Celebrating freedom from oil, and the beauty of people."  The purpose is to show everyone the fun of riding a bike as opposed to driving a car. Although cars are needed in most of America, there are plenty of opportunities to ride a bike instead.

         This is a strange combination of purposes, to show that people of all ages and sizes are beautiful while using less oil, but it appears that the riders enjoy showing their bodies as much as riding a bike.

              One very unique and interesting feature to this bike ride is that it gives people a chance to be naked in the city of Chicago where usually being naked would get them arrested quickly. This is an interesting point about nudism. While being nude on any Chicago beach is illegal (even though people will do it early in the morning or later in the evening), and being nude walking down the famous Michigan Avenue, would also get you arrested, with a permit, you can be naked anywhere in Chicago.  In America this always falls under the Constitution's "Freedom of Speech." Being naked is an express of an idea, thus it is "speech." And American's take their freedom of speech very seriously. They do not agree with each other; however, they always agree that they all have the right to express their ideas without the government stopping them.

         This event receives a permit and there is a specific time and route of the event. One interesting thing that I noticed was the total lack of police at this event. Everyone behaved well and the cyclists, about 2000 of them, rode down the streets on the established route while motorists waited for them to pass. Spectators walking down the streets all stopped to take photos and applaud the cyclists. As you can see by the photos, the people were so happy to pose for my photographer to be in this news story.

         To organize this event takes a lot of planning. First, it is all kept a secret in order to protect the safety of the naked cyclists, especially the women. The complete information is known only to a few organizers, not even to the cyclists themselves until the moment of them riding down the streets.

         Before the event there was a party at a local bar where many bicycle shops set up booths in order to advertise what they sell. The bar gave away hamburgers and corn. I spoke to many people in order to learn more about this event. Most of the people at this bar were going to be in the event.

         有很多人都很羡慕我的“课余工作”-- 平时可以参与并纪实采访到那么多有趣的人和事。可是您知道吗?这一行娱乐性和传播性都很大,它所花费的精力与时间也是成正比的。就像我这次在2013年芝加哥年度裸骑活动中,从中午12点开始一直忙到后半夜1点钟,整整13个小时差不多都花在了这个活动上。从对此事件的蒙昧无知到虚心询问,有了新的进展之后再慢慢挖掘更多的信息... 把周末花在了如此有趣并神秘的活动中还是值得的。
       起初,我和我的摄影师本以为这就是一个很轻松的图片故事纪实,拿着相机去拍几张照片就了结的事。真没料想,事情变化多端,从裸骑事先“热身”的社交活动Party,到得知裸骑活动私密聚集地的具体消息。这个秘密聚集地当时只有活动组织者和其他几个参与者知道,因为一部分裸骑者不愿意事态扩大,不希望太多媒体参与拍摄。对于所有的裸骑参与者,晚上7点左右才会召集他们并秘密通知各位裸骑者。从得知活动秘密聚集地,到花了整整两个小时寻找这个极其隐蔽的废旧场地,绕了很多山头,经过了不少危险小路,终于有了些眉目。走进场地后,几位活动组织者感到很惊讶,因为在活动开始前,几乎没几个人知道这个神秘的聚集地。当被他们寻问起我们如何找到此地时,我很干脆地告诉他们:“我们是媒体记者,全力调查并获悉是我们份内的职责。”  当时组织人并没有寻根问底,反而还向我们透露了裸骑活动的整个路程。他悄悄地告诉我们,这些路线还有中途休息的地理位置也是秘密呢。

一石二鸟,看起来这次“祸”还没有白闯。当得知裸骑参与者要经过芝加哥最繁华的密歇根湖大道,我与摄影师在一个必经路口等候了3、4多个小时,这样做只是为了等待裸骑者们经过的那一精彩瞬间。和往年相比之下,今年芝加哥裸骑活动的当天晚上温度比较偏低,很多人的嘴巴冻得开始打颤。还好,我和摄影师都早有准备,知道当天温差很大,也知道我们会在外边忙碌一天,没有时间回家休息,所以白天我们穿得很多。虽然白天闷热浑身发汗,但到了晚上我们感觉很舒适。我们从芝加哥的密歇根大道急匆匆地赶到第二个经过点,第三个,第四个,之后抓紧时间打出租车及时赶在了队伍前,(让我叹口气,不容易哇),最终到达了所有裸骑参与者的休息地。在整整15分钟的休息时间内,我迅速做了一些简短的采访。然后便从此地又匆匆赶到事情发展的高潮地点 -- 芝加哥市内唯一的一家大型BP英国石油公司。这也就是活动摩擦点的高峰期。 
      今年我第一次听说并参与纪实采访芝加哥一年一度的裸骑活动,当然,对于此敏感话题,很多比较保守的中国网友对我的评论也是五花八门。 我毕竟是个女孩子,所以关于性的问题被“拷问”了一大串。有人关心我当时看到裸体男子有没有害羞过,更有人对此采访事件比较排斥,说我女孩子家家的,报道这种新闻真不知廉耻。一名记者的职责就是去现场“抓取”真实消息之后再把同样的消息传播给大家,跟大家讲述一个真实的世界。 
     今年参与芝加哥裸骑活动的人数已超过2000人,估算中至少有1000人全裸。全裸并不等于就是一身光光在自行车上给路人表演,创意的形体艺术与气氛设计非常受到鼓励, 以便创造一个令人沉浸其中的气氛。人体彩绘、各种小件服装、艺术自行车、创意的扬声器... 五花八门的配件和点缀表现了参与者们的个性化。

    活动当天中午,一些裸骑报名者参加了主办方在芝加哥Lakeview一家酒吧餐厅举办的裸骑社交活动。 Clark先生是一家小型脚踏车配件销售公司的创始人,他也参与了这次裸骑活动。

Adam Clark working for "Pedal To The People" that rides around Chicago to do bicycle repairs on the street.



This is Joseph. He has been hit by cars three times. He says:"Cyclists are naked (without protection) anyway, so why not get completely naked and have some fun." Cyclists are safer if there are more of them.



After this event, I had to search for the "secret location."  This is the location where the riders will change clothes and leave their clothing in a secure locker until the end of the ride. However, the event organizer doesn't want any media at the secret location so that  the cyclists can change clothes in private without photos taken.  The secret location is outside in an industrial complex, however I won't reveal where it is but I was able to find it after quite a bit of walking through some isolated places.


The organizers were surprised that I had found their location, however I told them that I just wanted to meet them and learn more about the event then I would leave before the cyclists arrived. They were very friendly and actually seemed happy to have their photos taken for the story. I was given one of themaps that actually was a secret for every rider until they arrived at the secret location to change clothes and get the map. This secrecy of the map was to keep spectators or trouble makers from lining up on the streets.

Juan Dominguez (far left左一), Me我, the organizer组织者: Andrew Bedno(right of me)(中间), Kevin Burrows (wearing black hat戴黑色高帽), Richard Kelly (purple beard紫色胡子).


Here the cyclists are learning where the secret location for changing their clothes and where they will get the secret map with the bikeriding route. 裸骑活动的工作人员正在“秘密通知”并为参与者们揭晓当晚骑车的路线。这也就是所谓的“登记处”。



These handsome men were on their way to the secret location prior to the naked bike ride.


I had a chance to speak to these young ladies before the ride,Hanna and Jessica. They believe we should use less oil by riding bikes more and also getting out naked also. Here you can see them riding down Michigan Avenuein Chicago. 这两位美女参与者Hanna和Jessica也热情地接受了我的采访。


After I got the interviews and the secret map of the bike route, I headed to the public park where all the cyclists were told to arrive. At that location the cyclist (fully dressed) would be told the secret location. I was able to interview many riders before the ride, while they had their clothes on.One of the other safety precautions was that they encouraged the women to ride in the middle of the street and not at the curb so no man could touch them.There were also safety riders along the curb to be certain that spectators would not cause problems.

             “有意义”的新闻消息需要花费时间来等的。我之所以说这条新闻比较有意义,并不是因为它的“裸体”吸引力,而是它的出发点、转折点以及对社会以及人类的教育意义等等。我和摄影师从活动组织者得到消息后,立马赶到了芝加哥市中心的密歇根大道上的桥旁等待。我和摄影师都是第一次参加此活动,不能估测前方有多少“绊脚石(Barrier)” ,也无法预料谁能为我们开绿灯、提供“直通券(Pass card)”,只能走一步,探一步。当然,我并不是说在这里干等3、4个小时,最终得到了快讯是最值得骄傲的一点。相反地,无论是5分钟还是50个小时,只要你等的有价值意义,对某事物又有了新的出发角度,你在这方面就已经领先获胜了。

As the naked cyclists arrived at the busy corner of Wacker Drive and Michigan Avenue, this man climbed up the bridge and started to ring this loud brass bell to announce that the naked cyclists were here!! It was very exciting as so many people were surprised to hear the bell late at night.


My first sight of the naked cyclists as they came around the corner to head north on Michigan Avenue.


It seemed so strange and it looked like so much fun as these cyclists came riding by me, yelling and laughing. The cyclists in the yellow and green are the Safety Patrol to watch for spectators misbehaving.

            第一,为了防护女性裸骑参与者的自身安全利益并尊重她们的意愿,裸体的组织者建议女性应当在人群中间的位置骑车。这样的话,当周边观看的路人拿起手机和相机拍摄的话,不想完全被公开的人可以更隐蔽一些,最重要的还是要避免一些“性侵犯者”对女参与者造成伤害,男性参与者在人群外围保护女性,这样使人更放心一些。 第二,当时裸骑参与者的骑车速度比较快,我的摄影师的相机反应比较慢,聚焦也出了一些问题,回到家浏览照片时,20张与女裸体参与者的合影都没有对焦,我整个人变得模糊起来,所以看来看去,也只有这一张最清晰了。凑合着看吧 

This naked cyclist stopped for me so my photographer could get this photo!

These two men were riding a tandem bicycle together. To do this, you must be true friends!
当天队伍中有很多骑着双人车完成整项旅途的。注意图中这两位壮男,要做成这样,那可真是深交的哥们俩 !


This man seems proud of his "manhood"


      看过几千全裸或半裸男男女女、老老少少结群成对在身边“穿越”,确实很过眼瘾,但做记者的生活可不是那么享受的。这不,我和摄影师又迅速从密歇根大道赶到地图上那个“神秘的中途休息场地”。就连中间的休息场地都设到这么隐蔽的地方,就是因为要避开摄像机和其它大型媒体的视线里。不过呢,我们足够聪明可以从这个只给出棱棱角角的“神秘地图”上分析出休息场地的地理位置。我的摄影师一直在指挥着出租车司机,“向左拐,这里,这里,对,再向前行,快,快点!再拐!” 我们必须要避免裸骑者经过的地方而却争取要赶在他们的前面,当时的时间确实很紧迫。无论怎样,谢天谢地,我们赶到场地的时候,他们也刚刚到。现实比想像中的要更好一些,有很多人没有拒绝采访,很乐意把自己的骑车趣事分享给大家呢。很多人都拿起手机拍照合影留念并发到自己的社交网站上,看起来还没有那么神秘,哈哈。来自五湖四海的朋友们在这里齐聚一堂,算是一个国际性的疯狂大派对了。

But now I had to jump into a taxi and get to the secret park where the cyclists would be resting for a half hour. The reason the resting place was kept a secret is to keep people with camera's away and also to keep the news media away. However, I had figured the secret location. The taxi zig-zagged through the Chicago streets as my photographer shouted, "Turn here, now here, faster, turn again!" We rushed to get the secret resting park where when we arrived, the cyclists were just arriving.

Here everyone was having a good naked rest. I was able to get many interviews and most of the people were happy to tell me where they were from and why they were riding.  There were cyclists from Europe and Asia as well. Although one of the reasons for the ride was to protest the use of too much oil, very few people were feeling too strong about that. Most were enjoying standing around naked in the cool air and making new friends. Everyone was using their cell phones to take photos so it wasn't so secret after all.


This is Eric and Bronwyn. They promote riding bicycles whenever they can.


From the right side; Alma from Austria, Billy Kidd from Canada, me, Eric from Finland, Michael from Canada and on the far left is Joel from America. They drew patches on their bodies to represent the community of the world.
 从右到左:来自奥地利的Alma,来自加拿大的Billy Kidd,我,来自芬兰的Eric,来自加拿大的Michael, 最左边的是来自于美国的Joel。他们身上的图案象征着世界团体社会的和平一致。



This is Faith and Dana. They are riding to show that cyclists are in danger on the streets with cars so being naked will cause people to look and think about cyclists.

After the rest, the cyclists headed out again to the next major location and that is the BP gas station that they would circle around and shout at in order to protest the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010. I jumped in a taxi and drove to the BP station to arrive about 1 hour before the cyclists. It was almost 11:00 pm now. Soon the cyclist arrived and they circled the gas station calmly while some shouted at the gas station. It was very peaceful. There were no police needed and no one was hurt and nothing was damaged. I was actually the only reporter there to see it. They then headed off back to the secret location to get their clothes and the evening's naked ride was over.我和摄影师已迫在眉睫,在休息站做完采访后又赶紧打出租车终于赶到了起义地点“BP”芝加哥市内最近的英国石油加油站。


On the left, this man wears an American flag that doesn't have stars, but instead it has the logos of famous companies. This is supposed to represent that our government is ruin by corporations not the citizens. On the right you can see this lady is wearing dollar bills to cover her breasts and she has written "Big Oil" on her body. Protesting that oil companies are only interested in money and not the environment.
左图中的美国男子身披的“美国国旗” 上印的并不是代表美国50个大州的五角星,而是美国著名国产企业公司的典型标志。这面国旗的主要宗旨还是要表达“美国应该民主,而现如今美国人民处于水深火热之中,只能任政府官员由美国各大著名企业来任意‘摆布’并决定美国社会的自由。” 右图中,美女把美国钞票当乳贴,确实有创意,性感的肚皮上还毫不吝啬地写着抗议使用英国石油的话。

Everyone wasn't naked. This couple was very interesting because of the lady being naked while the man wore a very nice dinner suit. The lady on the right was riding inthe back of a bicycle taxi.
在裸骑活动中,不一定就意味着每个人都会裸体。恰恰相反,左图中的一对儿在人群中形成了鲜明的对比。他一定是这样想的:“大家不都是想光着身子吸引大家的注意嘛!我就来个南辕北辙,我就是要穿得特别利索,穿得特别像样,这样骑着车子也会很吸引人的。”  右图中,戴着黄色帽子的美女微笑招手。她的自行车在旅途中不幸出现了故障,所以在加油站起义的时候坐着其它三轮车完成了剩下的旅程。

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