
Winter in North China witnesses a splendid fairy-tale world – a hundred leagues locked in ice, a thousand leagues of whirling snow. On the north part of Songhua River, there locates an enchanting place – Harbin Ice & Snow World. The skillful craftsmen here carve out a series of impressive icy architecture each year with their wit and handicraft.
    第十届哈尔滨冰雪大世界将以“冰雪大世界 喜迎大冬会”为主题。通过新的设计理念,将文化与娱乐活动相结合,景观与冰雪体育相结合,先进的LED灯光技术与冰雪景观相结合,形成一个集观赏性、娱乐性、文化性为一体的特色冰雪主题游乐园。
The theme of the 10th Harbin Ice & Snow World is “ Harbin Ice & Snow World welcomes the 24th Winter Universiade”. By our applying a new perspective of design, which combines culture and entertainment, sightseeing and sports, the advanced LED lighting technique and the ice-and-snow sculptures, it will form an ice-and-snow characterized park which integrates with sightseeing, amusement and culture appreciation.
Harbin Ice & Snow World covers an area of 400,000 square meters, its ice consumption is about 120,000 cubic meters and snow consumption nearly 100,000 cubic meters. Over 2,000 ice-and-snow art works will be on shown this year and its entertainment items are more than 30, all these figures reach a maximum among the ice-and-snow arts record.
    哈尔滨冰雪大世界园区内将设置滑雪、溜冰、雪地摩托、滑梯、冰尜、雪地足球、雪圈、攀冰岩、冰球射门、雪地彩色高尔夫练习、雪地悠拨球、太空体验等三十余 项娱乐活动,其中大滑梯200余米长,最为惊险刺激;每晚北方特色动物表演、俄罗斯风情歌舞表演、冰上芭蕾表演、冰上的士高表演、焰火表演、雪幕电影等文 艺活动轮流上演,异彩纷呈。
There are over 30 entertainment activities held in Harbin Ice & Snow World this year which includes skiing, sliding on the ice, driving motor on the snow ground, playing on the slide, playing football on the snow ground, icy rock climbing, ice hockey shooting, playing color golf on the snow ground (practice item), experiencing in space. Among them, the most exciting game is the huge slide – over 200 meters long. Besides, there are other fantastic performances shown in succession every night, namely, the north-characteristic animal performance, the Russian amorous singing and dancing, ballet on the ice, disco on the ice, fireworks performances, films shown on the snow screen, etc.

    随着哈尔滨冰雪大世界知名度的提升,每年都吸引着数百万的国内外游客在冰雪节期间来哈尔滨旅游。胡锦涛总书记、李鹏委员长、王兆国副委员长等国家领导人及 多国驻华使节都曾亲临参观哈尔滨冰雪大世界,均给予了高度赞誉。2004年,哈尔滨冰雪大世界被国家文化部授予“全国文化产业示范基地”称号;2006年 哈尔滨冰雪大世界在澳门获得由世界华商协会授予的文化艺术特殊贡献奖。
With the increasing popularity of Harbin Ice & Snow World, each year it attracts millions of travellers’ visiting both from home and abroad. Many Chinese government leaders, like Hu Jintao, general secretary of the Communist Party of China; Li Peng, the former chairman of NPC Standing Committee; Wang Zhaoguo, the vice chairman of NPC Standing Committee, etc. and some foreign ambassadors to China once witnessed the fairy land with their own eyes, all left some commending remarks here. In 2004, it was awarded the name of “the example base of national culture industry” by Ministry of Culture. In 2006, it was granted the honor of special contribution to culture and art by GCCC (Global Chinese Chamber of Commerce) in Macau.
Harbin Ice & Snow World is now a card of ice and snow travelling in Harbin.
There are 5 thematic scenery divisions in the 10th Harbin Ice and Snow World.
Winter Universiade Flame Castle – it highlights the theme of 24th Winter Universiade with 40 meters height main tower as its central architecture.
Glamour city of Harbin – it aims at introducing this ice city to travellers by choosing some typical architectures of Harbin as its main ice and snow architectures.
The Passion of Winter Universiade – it tends to lift the enthusiasm of ice and snow activity through all kinds of intensive sports. 

The New Time Magic World – it is a block of ice and snow world full of creative powers which integrates with ice scenery by taking advantage of LED lighting technique appeared on the Fair.
The Splendid Ice and Snow Land – it aims at making the activity in this area more colorful and impressive by mixing all kinds of performances and celebrations with cartoon ice sculptures which follows the organization pattern of Disney series.

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